Subscription Rates & Process

Annual Subscription rates for printed copies (2 issues per year) are:
• $40.00 for institution
• $30.00 for individual
• $20.00 for student
• $15.00 for single copy and back issues

For one time purchase of recent digital copy:
• $15.00 (Institution) / $10.00 (Individual) for the recent issue (less than 6 months)
• $10.00 (Institution) / $5.00 (Individual) for the previous recent issue (less than 1 year)

For new subscribers, please follow these steps:

  1. Click the subscribe button at our homepage and register yourself.
  2. Upon successful registration, you will be receiving an email containing a password for you to login.
  3. Please login using your email address and the password provided.
  4. Subscription can be done using cards (Visa, Master, Amex, Discover) via PayPal.
  5. Upon publication, you will receive the hardcopy journal delivered to your address.