by Ottavio Palombaro in Vol. 5 No. 2 / Oct 2019


Too often in current debates of Reformed theology the focus seems to be solely upon great figures at the expense of their successors. Theodore Beza should have his proper place in the spread of Calvinism. Beyond the constant struggles between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism, Beza saw greater battles between God and the forces of darkness. In this context, he developed the Calvinist doctrine of political resistance. Far from being a dry Scholastic systematizer, Beza supported a pastoral use of the doctrine of predestination. Ultimately, Beza as faithful shepherd risked his life to care for the flock. In this essay, several French sources are rediscovered in order to point out Beza’s personal experience and historical context behind the theological doctrines that he discussed.

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Other Articles in
Vol. 5 No. 2 / Oct 2019

Editorial: Christ’s Fourfold Declaration of Authority by Eric Kayayan
Interpersonal Forgiveness as a Gospel Standard by Douwe J. Steensma
Islam and Women by Christine Schirrmacher
Healing the Wounds of Trauma and Abuse by Diane Langberg
Women, Sex, and a Question of Double Standards by Kathleen Nielson
“How Firm a Foundation” and the Westminster Confession of Faith by K. Scott Oliphint
Beza’s Pastoral Calling: Combat, Encouragement, and Duty by Ottavio Palombaro
The Value of Marshall’s Gospel Mystery of Sanctification by T. Michael Christ
On Earth: Relational Anthropocentricism in Creation Care by Alessandro Piccirillo
The Relevance of Calvin’s View of Work and Calling to Christians in Newly Industrialized Countries by Matthew Ebenezer
Corruption, Bribery, African Concepts of God, and the Gospel by PHILLIPUS J. (FLIP) BUYS
Reformed Business Ethics—A New Approach to How Organizations Can Flourish by Christopher Steed
Interview with Christopher Yuan by Peter A. Lillback
Alan Jacobs. The Year of our Lord 1943: Christian Humanism in an Age of Crisis by William Edgar
Elizabeth Agnew Cochran. Protestant Virtue and Stoic Ethics by David Hunsicker
Frances Luttikuizen. Underground Protestantism in Sixteenth Century Spain: A Much Ignored Side of Spanish History by Daniel Vogel
Herman Bavinck. Reformed Ethics: Created, Fallen, and Converted Humanity by Cory C. Brock
John Murray’s Principles of Conduct—Some Personal Reflections by Sinclair Ferguson