by DANIEL BERGÈSE in Vol. 1 No. 1-2 / Fall 2015

DOI: https://doi.org/10.35285/ucc1.1-2.2015.art4

John Hus, his life, work, and conflicts are recounted in this article, with the circumstances that lead him to martyrdom at the stake on July 6, 1415, six centuries ago. His work galvanized Bohemia and contributed to the identity of the Czech nation and places him in the gallery of those who were precursors of the Reformation, such as Waldo and Wycliffe. Some comparisons are drawn between Hus and Luther, who were both passionate for the truth. They desired it, sought it, and wanted to unearth it wherever it was buried by centuries of human tradition. It was the light that did not leave them even in the darkest night. No other consideration could obstruct them, even though their lives were at stake.

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Other Articles in
Vol. 1 No. 1-2 / Fall 2015

Martyreō and Cognates in the New Testament: Some Notes by DONALD A. CARSON
Witness in the Theology of Hebrews by DAVID G. PETERSON
The Martyrdom of Polycarp by GERALD BRAY
Jan Hus: A Reformation before the Reformation by DANIEL BERGÈSE
The Forerunners of the Reformation by PETER A. LILLBACK
Pierre Viret’s Consolation for the Persecuted Huguenots by REBEKAH A. SHEATS
A Teachable Death: Doctrine and Death in Marten Micron’s Martyrology by HERMAN J. SELDERHUIS
The Guanabara Confession of Faith by Alderi S. Matos
The Captivity Epistles of the English Reformation by PHILIP E. HUGHES
Witness in the Public Square by JAMES W. SKILLEN
Post-Christian Confession in Secular Context by LEONARDO DE CHIRICO
Persecution of Christians Today by THOMAS SCHIRRMACHER
Witnessing in Word and Deed in the Context of Religious Persecution by PHILIP TACHIN
“With Heart and Hands and Voices”: Integral Ministry of Word and Deed from a Missio Dei Perspective by PHILLIPUS J. (FLIP) BUYS AND ANDRÉ JANSEN
The Ministry of Religion and the Rights of the Minority: The Witness of Protestant Christianity in Indonesia by BENYAMIN F. INTAN
The Church in Korea: Persecution and Subsequent Growth by SANG GYOO LEE
Interview of Dr. Stephen Tong by PETER A. LILLBACK
William Horbury and Brian McNeil, eds. Suffering and Martyrdom in the New Testament: Studies Presented to G. M. Styler by the Cambridge New Testament Seminar by BRANDON D. CROWE
Shelly Matthews. Perfect Martyr: The Stoning of Stephen and the Construction of Christian Identity. Bryan M. Litfin. Early Christian Martyr Stories by BERNARD AUBERT
Robert Bartlett. Why Can the Dead Do Such Great Things? Saints and Worshippers from the Martyrs to the Reformation. by PAUL WELLS
Martin I. Klauber, ed. The Theology of the French Reformed Churches: From Henri IV to the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes. Reformation Historical-Theological Studies. by PAUL WELLS
Adrian Chastain Weimer. Martyrs’ Mirror: Persecution and Holiness in Early New England. by JEFFREY K. JUE
Eric Metaxas. Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy: A Righteous Gentile vs. the Third Reich. Nashville: Nelson, 2010. by WILLIAM EDGAR