by HENK (H. G.) STOKER in Vol. 3 No. 2 / Oct 2017

DOI: https://doi.org/10.35285/ucc3.2.2017.art11

The contemporary challenges of scientific atheism to the Christian worldview should be viewed by Christian apologists as a conflict about truth and meaning. The Christian worldview makes sense of the rational intelligibility of the universe, while the reductionist approach of naturalism undermines the clarity of the design in created reality and is a worldview that destroys the ultimate meaning of life. This article focuses on the differences in worldview between Christianity and atheism and discusses some apologetic ways through which Christians can handle the challenges of atheism, often disguised as neutral, scientific realism.

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Other Articles in
Vol. 3 No. 2 / Oct 2017

Preamble by PAUL WELLS
EDITORIAL: A New Ninety-Five Theses on Scripture by PETER A. LILLBACK
IN MEMORIAM: Won Sang Lee (1937–2016) by Editor
Learning from Calvin’s Methodology of Biblical Interpretation by DAVID EUNG YUL RYOO
Calvin: Interpreter of the Prophets by BYRON G. CURTIS
From Exegesis to Preaching: Calvin’s Understanding and Use of Ephesians 2:8–10 by JOHN V. FESKO
Calvin, Beza, and Perkins on Predestination by JOEL R. BEEKE
Vermigli, Calvin, and Aristotle’s Ethics by PAUL HELM
Discipline and Ignorance in Calvin’s Geneva by SCOTT M. MANETSCH
Bullinger on Islam: Theory and Practice by DANIËL TIMMERMAN
Bullinger’s The Old Faith (1537) as a Theological Tract by JOE MOCK
Reformation and Music by BILLY KRISTANTO
Whose Rebellion? Reformed Resistance Theory in America: Part I by SARAH MORGAN SMITH AND MARK DAVID HALL
Facing the Apologetic Challenges of Scientific Atheism by HENK (H. G.) STOKER
The Impact of Calvinist Teaching in Indonesia by AGUSTINUS M. L. BATLAJERY
The Ninety-Five Theses Today: Interview with Drs. Timothy Wengert and Carl R. Trueman by PETER A. LILLBACK
John M. G. Barclay. Paul and the Gift by GERHARD H. VISSCHER
John V. Fesko. The Trinity and the Covenant of Redemption. by JEONG KOO JEON
Diarmaid MacCulloch. All Things Made New: The Reformation and Its Legacy. by PAUL WELLS
Ashley Null and John W. Yates III, eds. Reformation Anglicanism: A Vision for Today’s Global Communion by HARRISON PERKINS
Lyle D. Bierma. The Theology of the Heidelberg Catechism: A Reformation Synthesis by BERNARD AUBERT
Christoph Stückelberger and Reinhold Bernhardt, eds. Calvin Global: How Faith Influences Societies by AUDY SANTOSO
Christine Schirrmacher. “Let There Be No Compulsion in Religion” (Sura 2:256): Apostasy from Islam as Judged by Contemporary Islamic Theologians: Discourses on Apostasy, Religious Freedom and Human Rights by PAUL WELLS