by ROBERT D. GOLDING in Vol. 8 No. 1 / Apr 2022

DOI: https://doi.org/10.35285/ucc8.1.2022.art8

Not only is Christian anger, properly defined, biblically permissible, but it is also required. In service to this thesis, I will first examine arguments regarding the permissibility of anger. Then, I will seek to refute an argument that states that anger is never advantageous. Finally, I will argue that anger is not only valid but is biblically required in certain circumstances. It will hopefully be clear that the claim that humans should never express anger is more pagan than Christian. On the other hand, anger is a dangerous emotion that must be checked and balanced by the essence of God as revealed in his word. Humans are made in his image and should emote accordingly.

Anger, Theology Proper, Self-defense, Biblical Theology, Indignation, Wrath, Ethics, Sixth Commandment, Justice, Forgiveness
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