by Peter A. Lillback in Vol. 8 No. 1 / Apr 2022


It is with sadness, yet in the hope of Christ’s resurrection, that we announce the death of one of Unio cum Christo’s editorial board members, Dr. In Whan Kim (1946–2021).We extend our sympathies to his family, colleagues, and friends.
Dr. Kim served at Chongshin Universi- ty and Seminary and more recently as President of Daeshin University and Seminary, Gyeongsan, South Korea. Ordained in the Presbyterian Church in America in 1981, he served as a pastor in the United States and Korea. A trained Old Testament scholar, he wrote many books and articles in Korean and English. He completed his PhD dissertation, “An Analysis and Evaluation of the Tithe Practice of the Korean Protestant Church from the Perspective of the Biblical Tithe Law,” at the University of Wales in 2000. A philanthropist, he was awarded the Recognition of Education by the President of the Republic of Korea (2011). He was active in several international societies, in particular the World Reformed Fellowship. (For more information, see “Dr. In Whan Kim (In memoriam),”

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