by TIMOTHY P. YATES in Vol. 9 No. 1 / Apr 2023


Biblical counseling resources lack structural coherence with the doctrine and Christian life model of the Westminster Standards. This article proposes reorienting counselor-trainers and counselors with these perspectives as a contribution to David Powlison’s vision to formulate a unified theory of systematic theology for soul care. The twofold structure of the Larger Catechism, called the symphonic-pedogogical perspective —building up the saints to know our Triune God and his work—is paired with teaching disciples to do everything that Jesus commanded. We observe five substructural patterns to integrate its instructional method. This essay explains the significance of each perspective for counseling cases.

Westminster Confession of Faith, Westminster Larger Catechism, Grand Unified Theory, perspectivalism, descriptive and prescriptive presuppositions, God’s attributes, lex Christi, man’s derivative reflections
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Other Articles in
Vol. 9 No. 1 / Apr 2023

Editorial: The Sin behind “Sin” by Paul Wells
The Progress of the Kingdom: Calvin’s Pastoral Care for Rulers by HERMAN H. VAN ALTEN
Adapting the Structural Perspectives of the Westminster Larger Catechism for Biblical Counselor Training by TIMOTHY P. YATES
Bavinck, a Patron Saint of Biblical Counselors? A Case Study of Bavinck’s Theological Description of Shame by KAZUSA OKAYA
“The Hidden Artist”: Edith Schaeffer and the Success of L’Abri Fellowship by CHRISTOPHER TALBOT
Where Has the Soul Gone in Pastoral Care? The Case and Cure of Pastoral Counseling by MAARTEN J. KATER
Six Keys to Protecting and Strengthening Marriages by JIM NEWHEISER
A Pastoral Framework for Infidelity Counseling by MICHAEL GEMBOLA
Rightly Applying God’s Law Makes Legalism Impossible by BRAD BEEVERS
Presuppositions of Biblical Counselors by JIM NEWHEISER
Biblical Counseling in the Spanish-Speaking World by NATALIE CARLEY
Some Reflections on Biblical Counseling, Adams, and Powlison by D. CLAIR DAVIS
Interview with Alasdair Groves by PETER A. LILLBACK
Carl R. Trueman. The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism and the Road to Sexual Revolution. by ANDREW MUTTITT
Scot McKnight. Five Things Biblical Scholars Wish Theologians Knew. Hans Boersma. Five Things Theologians Wish Biblical Scholars Knew by DONALD E. COBB
Robert L. Wilken. Liberty in the Things of God: The Christian Origins of Religious Freedom by TODD M. RESTER
IN MEMORIAM Jong Yun Lee by editor