by WILLIAM EDGAR in Vol. 7 No. 1 / Apr 2021


Just when we thought the pendulum had swung irretrievably to historiographies that either bemoan or at least minimize any positive Christian influence on Western culture, this book comes out showing the extensive affirmative sway of the Christian worldview on the West. It is a powerful and largely persuasive volume. As one who teaches Christian apologetics, I find it significant, though sad, that the author is no longer a convinced believer. At the same time, he is nothing if not nostalgic about the faith he has lost. Indeed, he movingly recounts how he began as a church-going believer and then saw his faith cool off (though possibly not abandoned altogether) after realizing what an enormous world we live in. Nevertheless, his defense of the influence of the gospel on the West is robust and forceful. It is always good when even unbelievers support the right views.

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Other Articles in
Vol. 7 No. 1 / Apr 2021

Editorial: Hope against Hope by PAUL WELLS
Matthew Henry’s Preaching and Pastoral Ministry at Hackney, 1712–1714 by ALLAN M. HARMAN
The Homelessness Crisis and the Role of the Church by WILLIAM B. BOWES
On Christian Engagement with Digital Technologies: A Reformed Perspective by JEAN FRANCESCO A. L. GOMES
Criticism and Legitimacy of “Cultural Marxism”: Implications for Christian Witness in the Postmodern World by YANNICK IMBERT
Redeeming Redemption: Violence, Desecration, and Atonement by CHRISTOPHER D. STEED
Yasukuni Shrine, Japanese Christian Responses, and a Kuyperian Ecclesiological Perspective by SURYA HAREFA
Personal Evangelism or Social Reform? The Challenge to Brazilian Presbyterianism in the Nineteenth Century by BRUNO GONÇALVES ROSI
Reflections on COVID-19: From Psalm 80 by WILLIAM EDGAR
The Response of Christians and Churches in India to COVID-19 by MATTHEW EBENEZER
Plague and Sanctification: Indonesian Reflections by BILLY KRISTANTO and AUDY SANTOSO
The Pandemic and the Roman Catholic Church, Especially in Italy by LEONARDO DE CHIRICO
The Churches in The Netherlands and the Pandemic by HERMAN J. SELDERHUIS
The COVID-19 Pandemic in Nigeria by PHILIP TACHIN
The Church in the Midst of the Enduring Pandemic by PIERRE BERTHOUD
How Has COVID-19 Affected My Teaching at Westminster Theological Seminary? by TODD M. RESTER
Warfield, Bavinck, and Kuyper: Interview with Cornelis P. Venema and David Garner by PETER A. LILLBACK
Gratitude Needs a Giver: Why Political Science Needs Intelligent Design by BRIAN G. MATTSON
George Will’s The Conservative Sensibility by PETER A. LILLBACK
Book Review: Derek W. H. Thomas and John W. Tweeddale, eds. John Calvin: For a New Reformation by HERMAN J. SELDERHUIS
Book Review: Tom Holland. Dominion: How the Christian Revolution Remade the World by WILLIAM EDGAR
Book Review: Herman Bavinck. Christian Worldview by DANIEL SCHROCK
Book Review: Grant Wacker. One Soul at a Time: The Story of Billy Graham by BRANDON D. CROWE
Book Review: Stephen Tomkins. The Clapham Sect: How Wilberforce’s Circle Transformed Britain by PAUL WELLS
Book Review: Christian C. Sahner. Christian Martyrs under Islam: Religious Violence and the Making of the Muslim World by PAUL WELLS