by PETER JONES in Vol. 2 No. 1 / Apr 2016


Gnosticism and canon are as different as contemporary theological liberalism and biblical orthodoxy! Indeed, the latest versions of liberalism seek to create a “new” view of Christianity shorn of any notion of creed or canon and based precisely on the faith of their ancient Gnostic counterparts. While the early church in its most ancient creed affirmed the validity of Scripture (1 Cor 15:3–8), the Gnostics spent a good part of their time reviling those Scriptures—opting for a “canon within the canon”— and the God, the Creator, who inspired them. This perennial heresy returns today in various spiritual forms of paganized Christianity, but they will not prevail against the historic rock of the biblical canon.

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Other Articles in
Vol. 2 No. 1 / Apr 2016

Editorial: Text and Textuality by PAUL WELLS
Meredith G. Kline on Covenant Community and Canon by MEREDITH M. KLINE
The Pauline Canon and Gnosticism by PETER JONES
The New Perspective on Abraham? by GERHARD H. VISSCHER
Scripture, Mishnah, and Confessions by PAUL R. GILCHRIST
The Impact and Influence of Erasmus’s Greek New Testament by PETER J. GOEMAN
The Ximenez Polyglot by FRANCES LUTTIKHUIZEN
Humanism and the Bible: The Contribution of Jacques Lefèvre d’Étaples by STÉPHANE SIMONNIN
Historicus Practicus: Calvin’s Use of Josephus in the Commentaries and Lectures by WILLIAM DEN HOLLANDER
Calvin and Later Reformed Theologians on the Image of God by SEUNG-GOO LEE
The Enlightenment Bible in Antebellum America (1812–1831): Archibald Alexander’s Appraisal by ANNETTE G. AUBERT
The Sermon and the Greek New Testament by R. KENT HUGHES
Practical Principles for Church Leaders and Church Members from Hebrews 13 by ALBERT J. COETSEE
Interview with Dr. Richard B. Gaffin Jr. by PETER A. LILLBACK
Bart D. Ehrman and Michael W. Holmes, eds. The Text of the New Testament in Contemporary Research: Essays on the Status Quaestionis. by BRANDON D. CROWE
C. Clifton Black. Reading Scripture with the Saints. by BERNARD AUBERT
John W. de Gruchy. John Calvin: Christian Humanist and Evangelical Reformer by JASON ZUIDEMA
Bruce Gordon. Calvin. by WILLIAM EDGAR
David Puckett. John Calvin’s Exegesis of the Old Testament. by DUSTYN EUDALY
David R. Law. The Historical-Critical Method: A Guide for the Perplexed. by PAUL WELLS
Timothy Keller. Preaching: Communicating Faith in an Age of Skepticism. by JOEL R. BEEKE