by STEFAN FELBER in Vol. 5 No. 1 / Apr 2019


In this study of the Immanuel prophecy of Isaiah 7:14 and its reception, I will show how the relation of exegetical, hermeneutical, and translational decisions influences the process of understanding before any translation is done. I wish to maintain that Matthew’s use of Isaiah 7 is coherent with its wording and logic. I would like to invite translators and exegetes to determine textual and exegetical matters under theological premises, that is, under a biblical hierarchy of authority.

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Other Articles in
Vol. 5 No. 1 / Apr 2019

Editorial: Dr. Edward J. Young (1907–1968) by ALLAN M. HARMAN
The Canon of the Old Testament by WALTER C. KAISER JR.
Motifs and Old Testament Theology by BRYAN D. ESTELLE
On Finding the Theological Message of Old Testament Books: A Plea for Paying Attention to the Redemptive-Historical Context by GERT KWAKKEL
Too Many to Chose from? The English Translation Controversy by LANE KEISTER
The Torah of Eden and the Conception of Ishmael: Genesis 3:6 and 16:3–4 by RON BERGEY
The Paradigmatic Role of Genesis 3 for Reading Biblical Narrative about Desire by CEPHAS T. A. TUSHIMA
How the Dwelling Becomes a Tent of Meeting: A Theology of Leviticus by L. MICHAEL MORALES
The Immanuel Prophecy at the Crossroads of Exegesis, Hermeneutics, and Bible Translation by STEFAN FELBER
Divine Forgiveness in the Book of Jeremiah by H. G. L. (ERIC) PEELS
Reading Jonah Backwards: Reconsidering a Prophet’s Repentance by STEPHEN COLEMAN
Preaching Christ from Proverbs by IAIN DUGUID
Gerhard von Rad (1901–1971): A Reluctant Modernist’s Approach to Wisdom Literature by CHARLES KELLY TELFER
Interview with Bruce Waltke by Peter A. Lillback
Book Review: Influential Old Testament Theologies by ANDREW T. ABERNETHY
Book Review: Richard Belcher Jr. Finding Favour in the Sight of God: A Theology of Wisdom Literature by JEONG KOO JEON
Book Review: Henri Blocher. Original Sin: Illuminating the Riddle? by PIERRE-SOVANN CHAUNY
Book Review: Gregory A. Boyd. Cross Vision: How the Crucifixion of Jesus Makes Sense of Old Testament Violence by PAUL WELLS
Book Review: Brent A. Strawn. The Old Testament Is Dying: A Diagnosis and Recommended Treatment by RICHARD P. BELCHER JR.
Book Review: Pierre Courthial. A New Day of Small Beginnings by JEAN-MARC BERTHOUD